Aanbevolen websites voor dit LevelLevel 5 - Aliens or demons
Alien Resistance
"In a nutshell...
The Bible contains relevant information about what many believe to be a recent phenomenon, that neither most modern churches, nor most modern ufologists, are well informed about.
Of those that are, many are simply not comfortable with teaching on the subject. Others intentionally repress the information they do have - often for financial gain, to avoid controversy, or to advance an agenda.
The Bible teaches that certain angelic beings routinely abducted human women during the days of Noah, both before the great flood "...and also afterward..." (Genesis 6:1-4).
They are referred to in ancient Jewish texts (Genesis, Job, Daniel, Enoch, Jasher, Jubilees) as "sons of God" and as "Watchers" – non-human parents of the hybrid Nephilim (giants).
During this time period, Eve’s seed was polluted by Satan’s seed (Gen 3:15).
The offspring - "...heroes of old, mighty men of renown" (Gen 6:4) - form the basis for much world mythology. Jesus prophesied "as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be..." at His return (Matthew 24:37)."
Illuminati Conspiracy Archive
Interesting studies on ufo's, aliens, entities and demons.
John Keel and the ultraterrestrials
John Keel believes that Aliens are demonic beings front a shadow earth / reality near ours (ultraterrestrials) instead of creatures from far far away.
MSN group - UFO'sTheHiddenTruth
This site has many links to ufo-alien-nephilim connection sites. This link goes to categorie one but on the left you will see many more.
"This book represents an examination of what is unquestionably the greatest and strangest mystery of our time, namely, the mystery of the UFO-Alien Abduction phenomenon, a subject of increasing public attention, awareness, and interest. Since the second World War there have been an ever growing number of sightings of anomalous aerial phenomena which defy explanation. Associated with this are the growing number of bizarre reports describing experiences by people who claim to have been abducted by strange beings, allegedly aliens from outer space. These aliens, or entities, seem to come in order to conduct peculiar genetic experiments and surgical procedures on their captives, namely humans, often with terrifying consequences..."
Unidentified Flying Objects and the Occult
Very interesting outline on what might be the true nature of UFO's not being limited to this material universe:
"The literature they have produced since the 1940s documents a variety of approaches to the questions raised by UFO reports. Early on, active proponents divided themselves into two camps. The first, who in the 1950s started calling themselves "ufologists," held a relatively conservative view. In their reading of the phenomenon, UFOs were unexplained occurrences(.....)
The second camp consisted of individuals sometimes called "saucerians." Saucerians typically were enthusiasts of occultism and the paranormal. Many had backgrounds as active Theosophists, Spiritualists, or followers of other esoteric doctrines. Some believed—even before the Arnold sighting put flying saucers on the world stage—that contact with otherworldly beings not only was possible but already had been accomplished. Such beings, who lived on other planets, in the spirit realm, or in the astral world (or all of these), were on the whole advanced and benevolent, concerned about the fate of the lowly, violent human race and engaged in efforts to guide our spiritual evolution in positive directions. Believers also acknowledged, however, that evil space and spirit entities, operating in concert with terrestrial allies, sought to exert malevolent influences over life on Earth.(...)
The most important early saucerian theorist was California occultist N. Meade Layne, founder of the Borderland Sciences Research Foundation. To Layne, who tied the old occult idea of an "etheric world" to the new phenomenon of flying saucers, UFOs were "ether ships." They and their occupants, the "ethereans," come from a fourth dimension of existence or atomic vibration. They enter our realm by lowering their vibratory rates. Their realm exists as an etheric counterpart of our universe. Its inhabitants are also our ethereal counterparts, but they are far more advanced than we are. In the Borderland publication Round Robin and in his book The Ether Ship and Its Solution (1950), Layne brings forth an eclectic mix of Theosophy, Swedenborgianism, Spiritualism, and Fortean events(....)"
Read the entire article at Answers.com