Prophesy, The Prophetic etc Part 2 - Heavenly Access and the Old Testamentic Base-Ministries June 08, 2007
God laid the Hebrew Aramaic base on earth by the patriarchs, so we better return to that rather than developing roman identities .... God needs to ‘reprogram’ us, so that we can root ourselves into the foundations again, and of course that programming takes place by the Hebrew language, by which His Word came to us ... So stop praying to your spirits and icons, but go into depth ... By the Hebrew Language we will get initiated into Gods treasure room again ...
Aren’t you sick and tired of moving in circles ? This website is the break the cycle ...

David and Solomon were under the chameleon anointing, which meant they were multi-gifted ... You couldn’t trap them in a box ... They were creative ...

How to become creative ? This question we will answer on this website ...

God laid the Hebrew Aramaic base on earth by the patriarchs, so we better return to that rather than developing roman identities .... God needs to ‘reprogram’ us, so that we can root ourselves into the foundations again, and of course that programming takes place by the Hebrew language, by which His Word came to us ... So stop praying to your spirits and icons, but go into depth ... By the Hebrew Language we will get initiated into Gods treasure room again ...

Mareh and Chelem – Seed of the Prophet


This is the vision, the mirror of God, His Eye. It is a sacred word, and helps us entering into the prophetic. You can pray to get ‘mareh’, vision, but it isn’t a password ... It is a focus ... Mareh was actually the name of the planet Jupiter. In prophetic life we can’t do without ‘mareh’, so we have to stretch out for it ... We can ask for it, and wait for it, be still for it, having faith in it, for it is a part of God. It is a mirror, so it will show you who you are. It will not sugarcoat things.


This is the dream. We can ask for it and have faith in it. It is part of the prophetic ministry and this was actually the Gemini Constellation. God has stored his ‘chelem’ there.

Our prophetic lives switch between the dream and the vision, the mareh chelem. On this base God can build further and eventually breaking the material forces. That is what the prophetic is all about : to get out of the levels of mammon. By mareh chelem the chameleon in us can develop itself. If we do not have this chameleon anointing, we will get stuck in some sort of position or status quo, receiving a false kabod, acting ‘weighty’ like all the others. It’s sad, it belongs to a fairytale in which everything becomes stone, but there is one key to survive : to become the stone of God, the Mary, which is the lizard anointing. Without having a Mary in your life there is no prophetic ministry. This is kind of basic ... When you aren’t a Mary, you are a Martha ...

Those who have a Martha Ministry will turn into a satan’s stone ... full of pomposity ... Then they worship the church, the system, call it jesus and forget about our Lord. The Mary Stone however will rise up to paradise, for the Chameleon will fill it ... That is the great difference ... The chameleons have access to paradise, for they are from paradise ... They are gods angelic creatures ...

Mliytsah – Seed of the Apostle

Shakan (shkn) is about the depth of God, establishing true ‘kabod’, the heaviness and density of God. It is the flexible shapeshifting stone. After the prophetic there is the apostolic. The apostolic is just the lengths of the prophetic, coming into the realm of ‘interpretation’. ‘Interpretation’ is MLIYTSAH in Hebrew. However it also means ‘satire’ and ‘scorn’. When you want to become an apostle, know what you are asking, for you will be scorned, and you will lose your reputation because you will become Gods Mocker. God is against reputation. It’s nothing to him. You need to be a chameleon even making fun of yourself. Don’t take yourself so serious. Don’t become a stone in mammon’s hand. God will raise up the jesters and the jokers, who are the true apostles. They have the robe of scorn, but are mockingbirds at the same time. So before you are about to ask God for ‘mliytsah’ : consider the cost.

Who thinks apostle is the top of what you can reach needs to know that the New Testament redirects it’s readers to the Old Testament, where the roots of Jesus is and his seed ... There are many more ministries to recover ... The apostle who stays an apostle all his life will finally turn into stone and sink away in the seas. We aren’t supposed to make ourselves a name. The chameleon is about changing positions, to bring down the spirit of status quo and the false kabod. The apostle needs to return to the Old Testamentic ministries to recover them. That is his mission : to build the bridge. The next level for a prophetic apostle is the judge, the ‘shaphat’. The shaphat is the terminator, waging territorial warfare against the spirits of status quo.

The ‘koach’ is the Chameleon, also translated as ‘strength’ and ‘wealth’ in ‘ability’. This word was used to describe the ‘power of Samson’, one of representers of the judges.

The ‘ab’ is the father, the patriarch, which was a fundamental ministry in the old testament. The ‘ab’ was the chief. Even when we have reached this level, remember it is a level of ‘mapping’, of survey, of spiritual travel (nasa). We cannot hold a ministry too long. We need to give it away and move further. If we hold on longer to a ministry than the lord allows that same ministry will burn us down and will deceive us badly.

What we see back in all the Old Testamentic Base-Ministries is the Hand of God isolating them to have a personal encounter with Him, far away from everything. This is the goal ... We always see the hermit showing up sooner or later ... it’s the hermitatic ministry ... So let me give you a view on the track :
  1. prophet
  2. apostle
  3. judge
  4. chief or patriarch
  5. hermitate
Bingo ! When you have reached level 5 the Old Testamentic Base-Ministries have been restored in your life for further progress. It needs to happen ‘inside’ between you and the lord, in isolation. When you stay in your apostolic hierarchies you will never see the Lord. The goal is you need to go deeper inside, and hide like the lizard does, the Mary. The goal is to go alone to the mountain like Moses, leaving everything behind.